The search for a child caregiver is a continuous process. At one point, your old nanny will leave and you therefore need to find and hire a new caregiver. It is often a complete stranger who you nor the kids know or are used to.
As such it is very important that you and your nanny are ready for the new nanny’s first day. There are several important things to do in preparation such as stocking up, get the contract roles and job description ready, conduct a nanny trial, and draft a nanny schedule.
You can make it easy for your baby to adjust to the new nanny by talking to them about the new nanny, giving them space to bond, share soothing ideas and give them a reasonable adjustment period before judging.

How to Prepare and Get Ready for your Nanny’s First Day
2.Stock Up on Baby and Nanny Supplies
You will need to buy and add up new baby items you may need before the new nanny can come in. Stock up on things such as toys, learning materials, and books among others if you need to.
Depending on how you prefer your nanny to work in the house, also you will need to buy some nanny supplies such as a pair of uniforms, gloves, etc. If you will provide your nanny with a phone, it is time to set it up for her. It is useful if you will need her to send you pictures and videos of the baby while you are working.
Also, it is the right time to install a nanny cam if you haven’t already. Nanny cameras are crucial to have for most working moms as they help you trust your new caregiver more faster. Also, it sets the right mode for work as the new nanny is aware that she will be monitored. Doing all these is crucial in getting ready for a new nanny.

3. Get the Nanny Contract Ready
Having everything regarding your new work arrangement drawn up in a legal document is very important. As such a contract will come in handy as your prepare to have your new nanny start off work.Prepare a new one or customize your old nanny contract to fit the work agreement between you and the new incoming nanny.
The contract includes things such as expected work scope, working hours, terms of payment, among other things you consider crucial. You may need to share a copy before the nanny shows up for her first day.
Read: How to Set a Professional Work Relationship with Nanny
4.Set up a Baby Schedule
A schedule is very crucial as it is the core of the nanny’s role in nurturing and caring for the baby. The schedule includes the baby routine for meals, nap, play, learn, and bath among other tasks that the nanny will be conducting. If you do not have one already, it is time to write a schedule for the baby before taking in the nanny.
It will help the new incoming nanny perform her tasks efficiently and also effectively to your preference. Also, the routine helps both your baby and the nanny to adjust and bond. You shall then communicate to the nanny how important it is that she sticks to the routine.
Also, make sure it is written up. Having it written instead of verbal is important so that the nanny will have references.
5. Drafting House/Nanny Rules and Boundaries
Rules and boundaries exist to make sure you have a professional working relationship with your nanny. If you have had a nanny before, you may have a set of house rules and boundaries that you may need to add or revise according to your preference based on experience.
If you never had one, you may need to come up with one which you expect the new incoming nanny to follow. Includes all the do’s and don’ts and general expectations from the nanny.
Read: Setting Nanny Boundaries and Professional Relationship
6.Create a Nanny Schedule
You need to come up with a work schedule for your nanny. The schedule covers things such as the hours that your nanny will work for you per day/week, reporting and leaving time, off days, and sick days among others. You need to create the schedule around your work schedules as this is the time that you need the nanny to look after the baby.
7.Conduct a Nanny Trial
Before you can fully take in the nanny, run a nanny trial first. A nanny trial is like an orientation that introduces and prepares your nanny to her roles and helps both of you in deciding if the nanny is the right fit for the job.
It is where she learns her role and the kind of duties that she will be conducting. This way she will decide if the job is the right fit for her before committing to it. It is also a chance for you to evaluate her personality, character, and work.
You get to see her work and care she gives the baby and decide if she is the one before signing her up. If you are ok with her then you can go right ahead and sign her. If not you resume your search for a nanny.
Read: Conducting a Successful Nanny Trial

Expert Tips on How to Help your Baby Easily Adjust To New Nanny
1. Tell Kids about New Nanny
It is important to let your kids know they are going to have a new nanny. It is especially so before they get to meet the new nanny so that they are ready mentally. You can share as many details as you want. However, just the nanny’s name and the kind of things they will do together is enough.
Make it a habit talking to your child anytime there is a new caregiver and they will be more than welcoming. You also need to let anyone else living with you know that there will be a new nanny coming in before she arrives.
2. Give them Space to Bond and Know Each Other
Your new nanny and your baby cannot bond if you are always lurking there in the background. You need to disappear and let your nanny do her thing. Even if you work from home, stay away in your office or any other isolated room of the house.
Doing so is important in letting your child to adjust to the new nanny. Babies are resilient and good at bonding than adults so all they need is a little time to bond with the baby.
Leave the baby and the nanny and be. Interfering and intervening, will hurt the confidence of your nanny and take away the opportunity for her to practice soothing your baby and have them bond. You are simply taking her power and confidence while signaling to the baby that you’re anxious about her ability.
However, it will help to tell the nanny that you’d like her to find you if she is stressed or needs help when the baby is crying but let the nanny decide when to do just that. You will find that your baby easily adjust to the new nanny easily this way.
3.Have The New Nanny Do the Baby’s Old Favorite
Every baby has his favorite ways. They have the favorite way they love their food, how they love to be soothed, which toys and play they love the most among others. By having the new nanny do the favorite things, for the baby, it will be easy for the baby to adjust to the new nanny.
4.Share Bonding & Soothing Ideas
Soothing a baby is the hardest thing for a new nanny on their first day before they can adjust. You have a few things that do the trick in soothing the baby that you should share with the nanny.
Share the ways you know that work on your baby to soothe him when he has a meltdown. e.g. offer a snack, take the baby outside/ to the window to look at trees/ cars/ smell flowers as a distraction, then coming back in and playing a high-interest activity, etc.
Write down a word document and leaving it for the nanny. The tips will make it easy for her and the baby to bond and adjust. They will help the nanny know what to do while helping the baby learn what to expect, and helping them both adjust to each other.
5. Allow Reasonable Time for Adjustment
Everything new takes time before adjusting. So even if your baby does not bond with the nanny the first day it does not mean it’s over. Kids also have bad days and it could be one of them. Just give them time to each find their grove and it will get better. Give them some time to figure it out and find their system that works.
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