Your maternity leave does not have to wait until you have delivered your baby. You can take your break from work earlier than your due date to some time off work before your baby arrives.
It is just perfect for expectant moms as you can rest while waiting for the arrival of the baby. Also taking an early maternity leave would be a good option for you if your productivity at work is affected, you have health complications, needs time off for your self and can afford it.
But an early maternity leave is not a good option for all expecting moms. The work, health and financial implications of an early maternity leave make it less desirable for most expectant moms even when they want it.
If you do not have an effective replacement, does not quality for paid maternity leave, can still deliver at work, has no complications and wishes to maximize time with your baby after birth, then it would not be recommendable to take an early maternity leave but rather wait it out till you have delivered.

When an Early Maternity Leave is Recommended
1. Your Work Productivity Is Affected
When pregnant, your body is working hard both for you and your unborn baby. This has a heavy impact on your focus , performance and productivity at work. The impact may not happen right way but it grows significantly as your pregnancy advances. When you realize you can no longer deliver adequately what is expected of you, there is a high need to just take an early break.
2. You can Afford It
Almost all working moms welcome the idea of an early maternity leave. However, the main challenge is the financial strains you may have when you take an early maternity leave. This is especially so if you do not qualify for a paid maternity leave from your employer.
Taking an early maternity leave means you will lose out on some potential income before your baby arrives. You will also have to report to work early than you would have. But if you can afford going for an early maternity leave, take it.
3. You need Time Off for Your Self
With no doubt, the entire pregnancy journey can be overwhelming. It can leave many expecting moms feeling at edge at all times. The change in moods can especially take a toll on you mentally, and emotionally to a point you need a break.
An early maternity leave eliminates any work-related stress such as the work itself, dealing with colleagues, and a long commute among others. It allows you to be away from work and focus on being well in preparation for the baby.
Also an early maternity leave can be used for self-care and just relaxing to get emotionally and physically ready for the baby. You can even get a maternity massage and pedicure, treat yourself, go on last dates with your spouse and friends among others things you need to do before the baby arrives.
Read: How to Optimally Spend your Maternity Leave
4. You have Health Complications
You should always look out for the safety of your child and yourself during this pregnancy journey. If you have any issue that may be aggravated by work, it is safe to consider taking a break from work early. There are many possible conditions related to work and your doctor should be able to advise you when it is unsafe to continue working or take a break.
Also, listen to your body and don’t push it too far. Check out signals that your body needs a break. Consider the nature of your work, safety at the workplace, and your options for commuting to work among others and take an early maternity leave if need be.

When you Should Not Take an Early Maternity Leave
1. If Work Transition Is Not Ready
At the very least you need to have adequately oriented and trained your replacement for the period you will be away on your maternity leave. If this has not been accomplished yet, you may not take an early maternity leave.
Taking early maternity without an equipped replacement jeopardizes your work and prevents you from having quality time on your leave without work calls. While it can take a bit of investment and time on your side to achieve this, it needs to be done to get you ready for the early break.
Depending on the nature of your work and your replacement abilities, ensure you have things ready to run without your help. It is crucial for both of you and your employer to ensure that work will still flow smoothly while you are on maternity leave as it will minimize distractions and calls from the office.
2. You Don’t Quality For Paid Maternity Leave
Unfortunately, some expectant moms may not qualify for paid maternity leave. Qualification depends on the terms of engagement and the company policy. Most firms will only cover for employees who have been with them for at least a year. If you are not covered under paid maternity, it may not be wise to take an early one.
If you do not qualify, your choices are slim on just how long you are willing to go unpaid. If you take early maternity leave, it means you are giving up the amount of time worth of income. It is hence best to wait out till your delivery so that you can break for a normal maternity leave.
Read: Best Options if you Don’t Have Paid Maternity Leave
3. If You are Still Productive at Work
What your employer expects of you is to deliver to the expectations. If you are able to still do this, consider pushing the maternity leave to the very end. There is no need to go on early maternity to just wait on your baby if you can still work.
You may be limited especially in some manual work but if you are still able to put in and deliver an acceptable level of work, then don’t take the option of an early maternity leave. Working till you are due will keep you active, as well as being socially and mentally engaged till your baby arrives.
4. You Have No Health Complications
One absolute factor you should consider if to take an early maternity leave is the safety of yourself and the child. You need to always do what is in the best interest of you both. If you do not have any condition or complications that may put you at risk by working, then it is safe to take continue working rather than taking an early maternity leave.
5. You Want Optimal Time with Baby
When you take an early maternity leave, your time starts to count immediately. Eventually an early maternity leave diminishes your time with baby. The option therefore means you are losing precious time that you would have spent with the baby before going back to work.
For instance if you take your maternity leave a month early, it means you will return to work a month early than you would have had you waited till you due date. As such waiting out till the end is important is making you get the optimal time with the baby.
Doing so ensures that your entire maternity leave is spent bonding adequately with your baby before you have to go back to work. If time with baby is special for you, don’t take an early maternity leave.

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