5 Most Convenient Childcare Options for Single Moms Traveling for Work

Finding a quality, affordable and convenient childcare option is very challenging for single moms. The options are always limited to third parties and outsiders because single moms lack the support of a partner who can help with caring for the kids.

As such when you have to take a business trip, you are at dilemma whether to take your child with you on the trip or whom to entrust their care to. Despite the challenges involved in getting a convenient childcare for your baby, it does not mean that you should postpone or miss out on a business trip.

Convenient Childcare Options for Traveling Single Moms

Below are the most convenient childcare options for single moms who travel a lot for work.

1. Fly with your Nanny on Trip

If you already have a nanny, you just need to take her and your child with you on the trip. You can definitely travel with your child on work trips. Just ensure you have the necessary documents if travelling internationally.

A nanny who can travel or fly with you offers the most convenient option for you as a single mom. The nanny will care for the baby on the location and there is no hassle in getting the baby ready for drop off or and commute required.

By doing so the mom does not leave the baby behind and can spent quality time together. A live-in nanny option therefore allows you to still be with your baby after work so there is no gap in parenting as a result of the trip. Flying in your nanny is especially recommended especially when the mom will be away for work for a considerable long period.

As expected a live nanny option is very costly. This is because the mom has to cater for all the travel, accommodation, and meals expenses for both the nanny and the baby in addition to her own. In addition, the trips can be disturbing for the baby especially when the work travels are too frequent.

Lastly the option is only convenient when the baby is young and not school-age. Otherwise it is not advisable to have the child miss school to go on a business trip with the mother.

Read: How Much Work Travel is too much Travel

2. Use Destination Location Childcare 

Another option that a single mom can consider for her baby’s childcare while on her work trips is on location childcare. This means identifying an ideal and suitable childcare option at the trip destination.

With this option, you only have to travel with your baby and use the available childcare options at your destination. Ensure you have the necessary documents with you if you are travelling internationally.

It can be daycare, a nanny, or childcare at the place of work you are travelling to. Daycare is absolutely possible to use when travelling. Look into this well in advance to avoid being straddled in a new location. If need be book early enough for a daycare slot or nanny/baby sitter.

Because you do not leave the baby behind, it allows the mom to spend time with the baby after work. It is helpful to keep the bond especially if the work trip will take a while. However it is costly as it includes transport, meals as well as accommodation for the child.

It works best when mom is well conversant with the location and childcare options available in that area to be able to make the most ideal pick. Nonetheless you must consider any preparation and commute involved for daycare versus having a nanny come in.

3. Ask Family and Friends for Help

It is always good to have a support system around to help when you need them. Your support system can include your closest friends and your family members such as your parents or siblings. The circle can be really helpful with childcare on those days you have to travel for work but do not have a partner to leave your child with.

Seeing that single moms are not privileged in having a partner to help with childcare, it is always good to have supportive friends and family instead. The convenience of this option works because you either take your baby to your family or friends or your family or friends can come to your house.

In addition the arrangement gives you peace of mind because your baby is in the safe hands of people you can trust, especially ideal if your trip will take a long time. It is also cheaper because it is unlikely that your family and friends will charge you for the help. You may be obligated to return the favors in kind or money but the option is very affordable for you.

As a single mom, your support system serves as an alternative when you do not have adequate finances for other options such as flying in the nanny to the trip destination.

Read: How to Ask Friends and Family for Help with Childcare

Most Convenient Childcare Options for Traveling Single Moms

4. Leave Baby with Live-In Nanny

Having in-house childcare is a savior for single working moms. It eliminates the time and hassle of preparing the baby and commute of getting the baby to and fro the childcare center such as the daycare. By having a nanny come to your house, you do not need to worry about these inconveniences.

Therefore for single moms who travel a lot for work, hiring a live-in nanny is a convenient option because you do not to worry when travelling. The nanny will care for the baby at home during the entire time you will be away. It gives you peace of mind especially if the nanny and the baby have bonded.

However, it can get costly because nannies are hired at an hourly rate. It would hence mean you will be paying for full-time hours both during the day and night for the entire time you mom will be away on the work trip.

5. Mom Friends

Find a mom friend who is willing to host and care for your baby for the few days you will be away for work. It can be for a fee or not, which you may need to return the favor. At the end of the day you will not miss your trip because you are a single mother. Just take your baby to one of your mom friends and proceed on with your trip.

6. Home Based Care

Some drop-in home-based care may be willing to host your baby for the time you are away for a work trip. If your child normally attends the care there, you ask your provider to host your child for the days and nights you will be away for the work trip. It is a good option for a place to take your child as you take your business trip.

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