6 Tested Expert Tips to Increase Milk Volume when Pumping at Work

Maintaining adequate milk supply is very important for working moms as it ensures the baby has enough to feed on while they are away. Working moms can increase this volume by using a hand pump, increasing demand, using a milk trigger, good nutrition, a comfortable environment, and proper kitting.

Tested Expert Tips on Increasing Milk Volume while Pumping at Work

1. Use Hand Pump over Electric Pump for More Milk

In most cases moms can get more milk while using a hand manual pump than when using an electric pump. As such if you are using an electric pump and wish to increase your pumping volume, while pumping from work you can try a manual pump.

A manual pump is however not as fast, time-effective, and efficient as an electric pump. It is tiring and requires more time to pump but it is worth the boost in volume.

A great tip for working moms pumping at work is to start with an electric pump and finish off with a manual pump. It may add several minutes for each session but will help empty the milk that the pump couldn’t. Ensure that you have the right flange size too.

Read: How to Make Pumping Breast Milk at Work Easier

Tips on Increasing Milk Volume while Pumping at Work

2. Pumping more to Boost Milk Supply

The more milk leaving your breast while you are at work the more the breast can produce. Simply put, the more you empty the more is made. As a working mom pumping at work, your demand is directly related to the frequency of your pumping sessions.

As such you need to pump breast milk at work as often as possible to keep the production/demand as high as possible. It is one of the ways you can ensure that you are pumping maximum volume of milk while you are at work.

Create/experiment with a pumping schedule that is both practical for you and effective for the baby in terms of volume per session/day of pumping. Take advantage of lactation breaks in addition to normal breaks your employer offers to increase pumping frequency and boost your supply.

In addition to pumping at work, supplement the milk demand further by having an additional nighttime pumping while at home. Also, pump on your way to work/ from work. 

Read: Practical Pumping Spots at Work/Office

3. Identify your Milk Trigger for Let Down

Some moms find that different things trigger their milk let down and let them pump more milk than normal , especially when they are at work. It varies from one mom to mom and often is an item or memory of your baby.

Identify what it is that lets you have heavy milk let down and use it to boost the amount of milk volume you are pumping at work. 

If allowed keep a photo of your baby on your work desk/ nursing desk. For some moms, it is a recording of their baby hunger crying. For others, it is a piece of their clothing. For others, it is watching a video of their baby feeding.

Find what it is for you that leads you to have that heavy flow and use it to set your mind for effective pumping. Doing will help you increase the amount of breast milk that you are pumping while at work.

Read: A Guide for Exclusive Pumping for Full Time Working Moms

Tips on Increasing Milk Volume while Pumping at Work

4. Eat Nutritional Food to Pump More Milk

Nutrition is very important in your milk supply and pumping journey when pumping at work. Generally, you need a well-balanced diet to provide the right nutrition to keep your milk production high.

Therefore to ensure that you are producing enough milk when you are pumping at work, ensure that your diet meets the nutritional needs that are crucial to produce milk. Eat the types of foods and drinks that are good at increasing your breast milk supply.

However, you need to consult your general practitioner or lactation expert for the recommended types of foods/drinks to feed on. Your nutritionist may also recommend some prescription tablets/supplements to boost your supply. Opt to carry these types of food from home to office to avoid junk eating.

Also, you need to drink adequate water every day (at least 8 glasses per day). Doing so will help maintain a steady supply of milk as you continue pumping breast milk at work.

5. Get a Comfortable Pumping Environment at Work

A safe private and comfortable pumping location is very important for working moms in order to ensure that they are producing adequate milk. You are more likely to pump more if you are comfortable while you are pumping.

The environment has a lot to do with privacy, resources, and your mental state. Some workplaces offer nursing rooms where working moms can pump in private. Most are equipped with everything you need such as a washing station, refrigerator, a power outlet, etc.

If your workplace does not have a nursing room, find a comfortable private room to use for pumping. Ensure you have enough privacy and the least interruptions as this will help you relax and get comfortable. In addition, get a comfortable seating so that you can maintain the right posture for pumping.

In addition, always try to relax mentally as you pump. A stress-free mental state is important in maintaining a steady volume through the pumping journey.

Read: Practical Pumping Spots at Work

Tips on Increasing Milk Volume while Pumping at Work

6. Have a Fully Equipped Pumping Kit/Bag for Work

Having all the necessary items/tools is important for effective pumping and keeping your pump volume consistently high. Lacking a part of one item can greatly affect your pumping volume at work negatively.

For instance, if you misplace or forget a part of your pump as you leave for work, you may have to miss pumping or improvise which will greatly affect your volume negatively. As such it is important to prepare well in advance.

Plan on organizing and checking your pumping bag every day before you leave home for all your necessities. It is efficient to have a dedicated bag for storing your equipment to avoid losing or misplacing the parts/items. You will find this to be a very simple way with which you can enhance the volume of milk that you are pumping at work.

Tips on Increasing Milk Volume while Pumping at Work

Must Have List of Essentials for your Pumping Bag Pumping at Work

1. Manual/Electric Pump – Very Critical to pack

You need a pump and all its parts, spare batteries for effective pumping at work. Try to ensure that your pumping bag has this.

2. Storage Bags/Bottles- An essential in your pump bag

You need enough storage bags or bottles for the day and some spare ones throughout the day at work. Make sure pack enough in your pump bag.

3. Cleaning Items -Very Critical to pack

You need items for keeping your pump and bottles clean and sterile. Ensure you pack wipes, paper towels, sanitizers, soap, brush in your bag for work as they are crucial as you pump at work.

4. Pumping Bras -An essential for comfortable pumping

Ensure you pack expressing bras, hands-free bra as they are necessary as you pump at work or when travelling.

5. Cold Storage -An essential in your pump bag

You need a means to keep your milk cold after pumping at work. Ensure that you carry a cold storage box, cooler bags, or zip locks which are necessary to keep your expressed milk sterile and safe for consumption.

6. Lubricants

Lubricants are necessary for comfort, especial when pumping at work.

7. Snacks- An essential in your pump bag

You also need water, snack bar/cookies, etc. to nutritionally boost your pumping volume at work during the day.

8. Timer

A timer will help to be more effective with the time you allocate for pumping while at work

9. A power Extension Cord

10. A towel for your lap

You also need a spare top (for when you have milk spills)

10. Cover- wrap (for when pumping as you drive)

Note: You can buy multiples of each above to avoid carrying everything back and forth from your workplace to home. You can then keep a set at your office and the other at home. It saves you time and the risk of missing an item when you need it.

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