12 Simple, Quick & Fun Hobbies for Working Moms

Parenting and working at the same time can have a toll on any woman. It takes away all the precious time and energy you have, leaving none for hobbies. The main challenge is that most hobbies are too time-consuming and inconvenient

However you can still have quick and fun indoor and outdoor hobbies that fit within your time schedule such as music, art, knitting, martial arts, sports, reading, writing, puzzles, video games, craft. These activities do not require a lot of your time yet are fun and fulfilling.

Also they are so fun and easy that you can do them with your mom friends or kids, enhancing the quality of time you spend together.

Simple Indoor Hobbies for Working Moms

1. Music Activities

They include playing guitar, piano, and flute, among other musical instruments. You can also try singing along to make more fun. You can have an hour a day or every other day for this.

No setup is needed hence little preparation or clean-up time is required, saving you precious time. All you need is to buy the equipment and you can play at home without wasting time or inconveniencing other errands.

2. Art

Drawing, painting, paper craft, watercolor, card making, and scrapbooks among others are all art hobbies you can try at home indoor. They are simple yet have a creative aspect. Simply pick a project you can finish in an hour and it will greatly engage your mind without being too tiring.

Read: How to Spend a Kid-free Day

3. Knitting

Knit work is a practical and social indoor hobby you can partake even with your kids or friends. When done as a group it is more enjoyable and fulfilling because of the social aspect.

It is a very convenient hobby for the weekend when you have an hour to wind down. You can try different knitting styles such as crocheting, quilting, middle kits, cross stitch, or sewing among others.

Read: How Full Time Working Moms can have a Social Life

4. Martial Arts

Some working moms find martial arts such as Kung Fu and Karate to be interesting indoor hobbies. If you are just starting out, you can have a tutor come to your home or you can attend a class. It does not take much of your time yet it will keep you in good shape.

5. Working Out and Sports

While physically engaging, working out and sports counts as a hobby because they are practical and easy to follow. There are many games and work out activities you can effectively do indoors at your home within an hour. In addition, you can incorporate dancing and your kids to make it even more fun.

Read: Fitting Exercise into a Working Mom Schedule

Simple, quick & fun hobbies for working moms

6. Reading & Writing

Find nice books that you can read indoors and take this up as a hobby. You can simply read by chapters or use an allocated time. You do not need to spend a lot of time on it. One hour per day is enough for reading. After reading you will feel the resulting calmness.

Alternatively you can join a book club where you can meet other people and analyse a favorite book that you are all reading.  Most sessions are short in under an hour and so wont waste your time or cause inconveniences.

Also, your hobby may be writing. You can write just about anything. You can also keep a personal journal by writing about your life and your life experiences among other things.  Putting it down on paper is very therapeutic and rewarding as well as a fun hobby.

7. Completing Puzzles

Puzzles are a favorite hobby for many working moms because it is mind-engaging. You can find different types and a variety of puzzles such as word puzzles and shape puzzles that will enhance your brain in different ways.

8. Video Games 

Playing video games indoors is a popular hobby for women. Invite your friends over for an hour of gaming and it will make more relaxed after.

9. Craft Work

Craft-work such as jewelry making, bead-work, and paper craft, among others is a simple yet engaging indoor activity for moms. You can try a couple of choices about patterns/fabrics that let you be in your creative element.

The process of creating a craft is very rewarding and fulfilling, giving you a deserving re-energizing.

10. DIY Home Projects

Some things you can do at home include soap making, woodwork, beer brewing etc. Whatever project that you can create by doing it yourself counts as a hobby. It engages your creative mind and leaves you feeling better and accomplished.

Revive old or try new things that pique your interest and are enjoyable. Incorporate your children , friends or your spouse into these activities whenever you can. When doing it with your child, it is a shared experience, making it more fun.

Outdoor Hobbies for Working Moms

1. Photography

Some moms love taking photos outdoors. It is a nice hobby that you can partake as a working mom on a quiet afternoon or weekend. You don’t need to spend a lot of time taking pictures.

You can even make a side hustle by making money from it.

2. Hiking, Nature Exploration & Bird Watching

While this needs a bit of preparation, hiking is still a practical outdoor hobby that working moms can partake in. To make it fun you can do a hike with your older kids, spouse or your girlfriends. You may not be able to engage in it regularly but ensure you make a point of doing it at least twice a year.

Taking a walk in nature or simply bird watching is also another popular outdoor hobby for working moms. Nature has so much to offer that is enough to refresh and refill your mind to face another day.

Read: How to Create a Fun Weekend Tradition for your Family

outdoor quick & fun hobbies for working moms

How Working Moms can Get Time for Hobbies

  • Allocate adequate time for it. One hour per day or every other day is adequate.
  • Be intentional about planning and allocating time for hobbies. Having a plan will make you effective with how you use time to have enough for hobbies.
  • Have a long term aspect of your future hobby goals. You may not get adequate hobby time within the first few years when you have toddlers but it gets easier as your kids grow.
  • Go for hobbies that are quick and less time consuming but equally fulfilling. With time you may adjust to more time intensive hobbies when you have more time at your hands.
  • Utilize the help of a support system- spouse, family, friends, neighbors, etc to allow you get adequate time you need for doing your hobbies.
  • Take turns caring for the baby with your spouse to give each other time to pursue your hobbies. You may not be able to do some of these hobbies with your spouse but taking turn with them to look after the baby leaves the other with enough time for a hobby.
  • Encourage your child to do independent play to give you time for your hobby. Doing so will give you more some potential time to do your hobby, especially indoors.
  • Multitask when it’s feasible. It will save you a lot of time that you can later use for your hobbies.

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