Recommended Most Convenient Exercises & Tips for Night Shift Moms

Exercise is crucial for good health. It is an important self-care element for working moms. However, it becomes a challenge fixing exercise into a routine for moms working the night shift.

Moms working nights are limited on daytime hours and sequentially the workout options they can engage in. The best time for you to exercise is when it is most convenient for you and aligns with your work and sleep routine. The best exercises are those that fit within your fitness needs and work out schedule.

Convenient & Recommended Exercises when Working Night Shift

Convenient Exercises/Work out Options for Moms Working Night Shift

1. Use a Standing Desk at Work

When working night shift, during the same shift is probably the most convenient time for you to exercise. Further the office is the most convenient place for your to exercise at where possible. If you can stay physically active during your shift, the better. Some jobs are physically engaging and keep you on your feet the entire.

If your job is not, a standing work desk is your solution. A standing desk lets you work while standing on your feet and keeping you on your feet, which is good for your health. In addition a standing desk keeps you awake as night jobs are usually more tiring than day jobs.

If your job does not allow you to work on a standing desk, then make a point of moving around every 15-30 minutes until your shift is over.

Read: How to Exercise at Work with no Sweat

Convenient & Recommended Exercises when Working Night Shift

2. Workout in Morning after Work

Depending on the time your shift start and ends, you can either plan to have your workout before or after work. Any of the two options are equally convenient for you.

As an option you can schedule an hour of working out every day before you report for the night shift. Head out to the GYM or wherever you workout from immediately from work.

Many night shift moms prefer morning workouts because it allows them have adequate time for the rest of the day schedule without any pressure. You can get adequate sleep and get ready for your night shift without working for time for exercise.

3. Workout in Afternoon before Work

As an alternative you can choose to exercise in the evening just before your shift starts. The option allows you to first head straight to bed, then wake up in the afternoon for your workout, kid’s time, and other activities before exercising then heading back to work.

Further working out in the evening just before your night is that it improves your mental focus and makes you more energetic from the work out rush.

Read: How to Incorporate Exercise for Full time Working Moms

4. Workout during Breaks 

Moms working the day shift are privileged in they can take a walk around the block or run during the lunch break, which is a great workout option.

While moms working nights may not take a walk or run during an office break, they can do some small exercises in the office. It may not sound practical but yes nighttime exercises are possible.  

Some workplaces, are flexible and allow employees to take their break hour at any time. If so, you have the flexibility of choosing which hour of your night shift that you will exercise. 45 minutes to 1 hour of exercise every night is good enough to keep you physically and mentally fit.

It is very convenient if your workplace has a gym or there is an open gym within the building. GYM’s do open at night in most areas so you will be able to get somewhere close to your office. Night time GYMS exists to caters to the needs of such moms working nights.

Also ensure you have a change of clothes with you as you will need to freshen up after the exercise.

5. Do Small Exercise at the Office

If there are no open gyms at night, improvise on what you can do by trying little fitness exercises in the office. For instance, try some exercises such as pushups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks among others.

Read: Simple Office Exercise for Working Moms that wont Make you Look Weird

Convenient & Recommended Exercises when Working Night Shift

6. Jog/Walk To/From Your Workplace

Depending on where you live and where your workplace is, walking or jogging to and from your workplace is an ideal exercise for moms working the night shift. It is a practical and convenient time for you to exercise by using the commute time for two benefits.

Since you have limited time and exercise options, walking/jogging keeps you fit while saving you additional time to get to the office. A brisk walk or job of at about 30 minutes to 1 hour is enough.

However you need to leave an hour earlier your normal time. Even if you live quite a distance from your workplace, you can still make this exercise option work. What you can do is use transport for some distance and walk the rest of the way to and fro the office.

It also works for self-drive moms by finding parking some distance away from the office so that you can walk/jog the rest of the way.

7. Exercise during Off Days

If your workdays are tightly scheduled, then make a point of scheduling work out on your off days. Also after a row of several working nights, you may feel fatigue creeping, and working out on your days off is a great way of fighting it off.

You just need to decide whether to work out during the day or the night. However, the days offer better, convenient and more variety of options because most gyms are open.

You can never run out of workout options to do before you resume your night shift again. Various work out options include hitting the local gym(or workout from home), taking a walk, running, swimming, or playing your favorite sport among others.

Simple Tips for Staying Fit when Working Night Shift

  • Have motivation, discipline, and determination to stay fit. It helps avoid create a solid workout routine, avoid excuses for not working out etc. Remind yourself of the big difference it makes to your mental and physical health when you work out.
  • Make exercise part of your normal daily routine. With routine, work out will become part of what you do every day. You won’t just skip because you feel like it.
  • Give yourself time to create and adjust to a work-out routine that is ideal and convenient to your night shift work needs. If you are just starting the night shift, give yourself some time and be gentle with yourself.
  • Have enough sleep because adequate quality sleep is as important as the exercise. Your workout will only be effective if you are taking good care of yourself such as eating healthily and getting adequate sleep.
  • Mind your diet through what and when you eat to stay fit . Eat by the clock, not by your hormones. Also drink a lot of water.
  • Find the fun of working out in order to enjoy exercise as part of your night routine. Think about staying fit as something pleasurable.
  • Invest in home work-out gears to make your work out comfortable and convenient. Working out from home is a great option for moms working night shift to keep fit because it saves you time to and from the gym.


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