Secrets to Going Back to Work with a Newborn

When to Resume Work from Maternity Leave

You can go back to work after maternity leave as soon as you feel ready. The best time to go back to work after having a baby is when you are well both physically and mentally. There is no set time that is too soon or too late to go back to work after maternity leave.

  • It can be as soon as 2 weeks if you had a normal and uncomplicated delivery.
  • As soon as your baby is old enough to feed from a bottle( However it can be as old as a few days or weeks old.

Also being ready and comfortable going back to work after maternity leave is dependent on other factors. You need to feel ready, feel healthy and your baby can feed from the bottle.

Is it ok to Leave an Infant and Return to Work

It is okay and doable to leave an newborn infant and return to work . You may dread leaving such as a small baby behind but if you have no choice, do not feel bad about it. If you are totally healthy and can manage work, then do not feel guilty about it.

Not all working moms have the luxury of a paid long maternity leave and are required to go back to work as soon as a few weeks after delivering the baby. Even if your baby is a few days, weeks, or months old, it is totally ok.

However be patient with yourself! It’s a hard adjustment but it definitely gets better. As long as your baby can manage to feed independently from you, everything is fine. Plan for a reliable childcare plan and go back to work. If you feel ready and confident that your infant will be fine when away from you, then go ahead and return to work.

Read: What to do if you can’t Get Paid Maternity Leave

Secrets for Successfully Leaving Newborn & Going Back to Work

Tip for Returning to Work with a Newborn

1. Start Working Gradually to Ease Back into Work

If you have to leave behind a few days, or weeks old baby and go back to work, try returning to work gradually. Instead of going full time, try going back part-time first, and later increasing to work full time. Having a flexible work schedule during the first few months after maternity leave is very crucial. It will allow you and your small baby to adjust to being away from each other.

Therefore if you have an infant/newborn baby, request a flexible work schedule. Start by working remotely before easing into working physically at the office. It will give you more time with the baby, and breastfeeding.

Remember to keep your work expectations reasonable before you can eventually catch up. Let everyone you work with know you are easing back in. You may be surprised at the kind of support and understanding you can get from your coworkers.

2. Work at a Mom-Friendly Workplace

Mom-friendly workplaces ensure new moms returning to work are comfortable and have all the resources they need. You will manage to leave a small baby at home and go back to work if your workplace has a conducive work environment. Having resources and support such as breaks for pumping breast milk, a lactation or private room to pump breast milk in, and a flexible shift or schedule will be very helpful to you.

3. Get a Reliable Child Care

Leaving your infant at home will need a reliable childcare provider. Looking after a few days or weeks old baby is delicate and you will need someone you can rely on and trust as you work. You can pick a nanny , babysitter or you can enroll your baby at daycare. Some daycares can take babies as young as 4 weeks old.

Once you have a childcare plan, leaving your few 4 or 6 weeks old baby and returning to work after maternity leave is totally doable and manageable. 

Read: How to Choose Between a Nanny or Daycare for your Infant

Secrets for Successfully Leaving Newborn & Going Back to Work

4. Get a Strong Support System

In addition to a workplace that supports you leaving a small newborn at home, you need a strong support system. You need a partner, family and friends who supports your decision. These people will offer emotional support if you have mom guilt or are feeling overwhelmed. Also, these people can lend a hand by offering childcare and babysitting your baby as you go back to work.

5. Focus on Adequate Self Care

Importantly you will need to look after yourself. Working and being a parent can take a toll on you. It is very easy to sink in between work and looking after your baby’s needs. If you are not taking care of yourself, you and your baby will suffer. 

You need to meet your needs first before you can be a good mom to your baby or a good employee to your employer. You need to create a self-care plan that ensures you do not neglect yourself. A self-care plan will include things such as diet, exercise, rest, etc. You need to adequate, balanced, and healthy meals. You need to keep active and exercise regularly. You need to rest and have adequate sleep.

Read: How to Create a Self-Care Plan

6. Bond with Baby after Work

Ensure that you keep bonding with your young newborn baby even after returning to work. Because your baby is only a few weeks old, they may not voice or video calls when you leave them at home to return to work.

You must then maximize physical time with your baby whenever you can. Babies as young as 4 weeks old, needs to be held and rocked by you whenever you can. Take advantage of the time before you leave for work in the morning. If your baby usually wakes up early, you will love that you get to spend some time together before you actually have to leave for work. 

Alternatively, make use of the time after work. Ensure you are the one doing the evening routine for your baby and putting them down to sleep. Doing so will make you feel better about leaving a small baby to return to work.

If your job is flexible then I recommend going to feed your baby at lunchtime. If you can manage to take your lunch break to see and breastfeed your baby, this will strengthen your bond. If your newborn baby is in daycare remember to check in if you feel like you need to. Also spend your weekends to bond with baby.

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