7 Simple & Special Ways to Celebrate International Women Day at Work

What is International Women’s Day?

International Women’s Day is a holiday celebrated annually across the world to honor women. It is an important day because it is a focal point in the women’s rights movement, highlighting issues that women face such as gender equality, reproductive rights, and violence & abuse against women.

Many people celebrate or commemorate the day by telling women, “Happy International Women’s Day”. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated on February 28, 1909, in New York City. It was organized by the Socialist Party of America as a proposal from activist Theresa Malkiel.

International Women’s Day is all about a day to mark the achievements women have made in gaining more equality. It is now celebrated on the 8th March of every year the date that was marked by the UN for celebrating women’s rights. In 2025 International Women’s Day will be celebrated on Saturday, March 8, 2025.

International Women’s Day is a public holiday in several countries such as Nepal,Russia and Armenia while in others like Australia and Vietnam it is not. Others also celebrate it at work. Celebrating the day at work marks the day, signify women rights, and acknowledges the women employees.

You can celebrate the day at the office by picking a theme color, gifting the female colleagues, a thank you address, closing the day early, a fun day, inviting guests and doing a charity work. Some charity events you can do to celebrate International Women’s Day at Work include donations, visiting vulnerable people and fund raising among others.

Is International Women’s Day a Public Holiday?

International Women’s Day is a public holiday in several countries. Countries such as Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women only), Cuba, Georgia, Guinea-Bissau, Eritrea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Madagascar (for women only), Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Nepal, and Russia among others celebrate International Women’s Day as a public holiday.

Other countries observe and celebrate International Women’s Day without making it a national holiday. In countries such as Australia, Cameroon, Croatia, Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Vietnam, and Chile, International Women’s Day is not a public holiday.

Why Celebrate International Women’s Day at Work 

1. Marks the Day

It is not weird at all to mark International Women’s Day celebrations at your workplace. It is a very appropriate and relevant in-office celebration.

2. Signify Women’s Rights

International Women’s Day signifies the rights that women fight for, more so at work such as gender equality. It is all about celebrating and recognizing the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women.

3. Acknowledge the Contribution of Women Employees

The point of celebrating the day in the office is that it is a great opportunity for workplaces to acknowledge the contribution of women employees and promote gender equality; to be celebrated both by men and women.

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Special Ways of Celebrating International Women’s Day in the Office

Ways of Celebrating International Women’s Day in the Office

1. Pick a Theme Color to Dress on

To mark and celebrate International Women’s Day at work with your female colleagues, you can select a theme for the day. Pick a color such as purple and have everyone wear something purple to work. You can also go ahead and decorate the building and the office in the theme color.

2. Buy Gifts for your Female Colleagues

Your female colleagues at work will love to receive gifts on International Women’s Day. It does not need to be an expensive gift and can be as simple as flowers for every female employee at work.

Other impactful and unique gifts for women during International Women’s Day at Work include;

  • Chocolate – Every woman loves chocolate and it’s a nice treat on International Women’s Day
  • Office items e.g., pens, notebooks, markers, etc.- Working moms always need writing materials and hence these office items are very relevant as special gifts for women in your office this year 2025.
  • Candles- Candles are unique and sentimental gifts for celebrating International Women’s Day
  • Water bottles, and mugs- These gifts are quite functional and a nice way of celebrating your female colleagues
  • Branded T-Shirts, hoodies- Find a cool brand that is associated with International Women’s Day and commemorate the day with the working moms/females in your office.
  • Greeting card – Greetings are great at communicating your genuine and heartfelt appreciation for your female co-workers. Write some custom messages for women in your office to commemorate International Women’s Day 2025.

Whatever gift you choose for the female colleagues in your office, ensure that it is simple, unique and thoughtful. It will have more impact and be memorable for the women you work with.

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Gifts for your Female Colleagues on Women’s Day

3. A Thank you Address to Female Co-Workers 

Women do appreciate the acknowledgement of their accomplishments on a regular basis or when they do great work, more especially on this day. One way you can show your love and appreciation for your female colleagues on International Women’s day is by thanking them.

As a working mom, you understand the challenges that working moms undergo through and hence your address will be heartfelt and understood. Gather everyone around during the tea break and thank the moms/women who work in your office.

Thank them for everything they do and the impact they have in the office. If your female colleague did great work on a project, International Women’s Day 2025 is the day to tell them. If they backed you up on a project, it is the day to thank them.  If they have been a good mentor or leader to you, express your appreciation on this day. Also, ask the female colleagues at your workplace how you can support their goals.

4. Close the Day Early

If you are a leader of a woman’s team, a special way to celebrate International Women’s Day this year would be to give them a some rest. The women will appreciate the time off and they get to do something special for themselves such as work out, go on spa day or go out with a partner or friends.  

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5. Plan a Fun Day/Event at the Office

On International Women’s day, you can plan to have a fun day event at the office for the women. You can include various activities such as tea/lunch, games, competitions, brainstorming sessions, etc. for the women colleagues in your office.

6. Invite Female Speakers at Work

A significant and impactful way you can celebrate International Women’s Day at work is by having impactful women speak to the females at work. The female workers will love listening to an inspiring female leaders help in navigating and overcoming the challenges of a being woman in the workplace. The speeches will make celebrating or commemorating International Women’s Day more meaningful.

Select an influential women leader in the area of your work and invite them on International Women’s Day to your workplace to speak to your female and male colleagues. Arrange for a panel discussion or a webinar with successful women leaders, who can share their experiences and insights. The discussion can be focused on topics such as gender equality, women in leadership, and work-life balance.

6. Do A Charity Event with Colleagues

Together with your female colleagues at work, you can organize a charity event at work to celebrate International Women’s Day. Pick an event or course that you would like to participate in and organize for the women in the office to take part in.

Simple & Impactful Charity Events To Celebrate Women’s Day

  • Donations to Women’s Philanthropies- Donations are a great course for female workers to participate in it as directly impacts women’s lives through the projects organized by the philanthropies.
  • Visit Vulnerable Women Populations- There are many vulnerable women populations such as single mothers, homeless moms, pregnant teens, or those in the hospital.
  • Advocacy/Activism for Women’s Rights- Issues such as low wages, marital rapes, inequality, human trafficking, female infanticide, and much more are very popular charity events that are a very meaningful way of commemorating International Women’s Day this year.
  • Host Lunch/Dinner for Women in the Community- Organize for the women to arrange and host lunch for the community to mark International Women’s Day.
  • Fundraising for Women Courses- Help raise money for some women’s courses such as daycare centers and crèche at the workplace. Daycare centers are especially a need for working moms and setting it is an impactful way of celebrating International Women’s Day.
  • Random Makeup and Grooming – Organize makeup and grooming for random people in the public. Many women will appreciate the effort you have and be happy about it.
  • Arrange and Sponsor Medical Checkups for Women Employees- Most of the time, women due to their busy schedule do not have time to visit the doctor. Having this done at least annually in the office will be a great and impact gift for women at your work for International Women’s Day.
  • Yoga, and Meditation Classes- Arrange for classes like yoga, and meditation for all women employees at work – A perfect way to celebrate International Women’s Day at work.
  • Training and Mentorship for Women Employees- Arrange for training and mentoring program for women at the workplace. This year 2025 celebrate International Women’s Day by empowering women to more wins.

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