Secrets on Job Hunting when Pregnant

Can I Get a Job When Pregnant?

You can apply and start a job even when you are pregnant. Employers hire pregnant women all the time so it is not necessarily hard to find a job while expecting a baby. Most employers are interested in your skills not your status.

So get comfortable in your job hunt and do not hesitate to apply for a job opportunity because you are pregnant. As long as you are healthy and can work as expected, you can start a job when pregnant as easily as you would when not pregnant. Key factors considered in giving you a job are your qualifications and not your pregnancy status.

You should therefore not be scared or worried that your pregnancy may prevent you from getting a job. While some employers may discriminate against women who are pregnant and applying for jobs, others do not. Many employers out there hire employees based on their worth and value and not their pregnancy status.

If you discover that you were disqualified or denied a job because you are expecting a child, you can pursue this legally. Get the necessary proof and evidence of the discrimination and talk to your lawyer. You can sue the company and get damages in return.

There is no limit on timeline either. You can look for and start a new job at any point in your pregnancy. So many moms apply for a job only to realize they are pregnant after receiving the letter of offer. Others start applying when in first(1, 2, or 3 months) and second trimester( 4, 5, or 6 months). Even in your third trimester at 7 or 8 months closer to your delivery, there is nothing stopping you from getting a new job.

If you need a job offer when pregnant, start looking immediately. Do not wait till delivery for you to look for and start a new job. Most good job opportunities are rare to find and hence if you get a good offer now, go for it.

Also getting a job takes time. It can take you the entire 9 months of your pregnancy while looking for a new job. Even if you start applying now when pregnant, you may only get a job after you have delivered the baby. Therefore do not waste more time by waiting till birth before you start job hunting.

Disclosing Pregnancy when Applying & Interviewing for Jobs

You can choose to disclose the status of your pregnancy when job hunting or not. However, you are not obligated to disclose your pregnancy to a potential employer when applying for a job. Even if your pregnancy is visibly obvious you still don’t have to announce it when looking for a job.

It is not deceptive or betrayal not tell a potential employer that you are pregnant. You are protected by law and you not should feel obligated to let your potential employer know that you are expecting. Legally employers aren’t allowed to ask you if you are pregnant or when you are due, and how far along you are so don’t mention it.

Also if you feel that disclosing your pregnancy will put you at a disadvantage when applying for jobs then do not disclose. Do not tell them if you stand to lose the job.  At least wait till you have the offer letter or have signed the employment contract.

However, there are benefits of disclosing your pregnancy status when job hunting, applying, or interviewing for jobs. It allows the employer to make the necessary changes to make you comfortable at work. They are also able to plan for your leave and ensure your work load will be covered when you are on leave.

In addition, telling your potential employer that you are expecting gives you a chance to negotiate for your leave. If it not a risk for you, mention your pregnancy during interviewing and ask key questions about their maternity benefits.

The knowledge will help you decide if you should take the job or not. Also discussing maternity leave during the application process allows you to negotiate benefits that you may not have qualified for but are now included in your onboarding package.

Read: When and How to Disclose Pregnancy to Employer

Read: How to Interview and Start a New Job when Pregnant

Tips on How to Easily Get a Job while Pregnant

  • Set up job alerts on LinkedIn etc. so that you can apply for jobs as soon as they are posted. You will soon have a new job to start.
  • Apply to as many job openings as possible. Focus on jobs that will be easier for you to work in your condition. Avoid jobs that will involve a lot of standing and lifting heavy object or expose you to hazardous chemicals. Prefer jobs that will be easy on you during the journey without too much work pressure till you resume from maternity leave.
  • Target family-friendly companies, jobs on part-time or flexible hours, and remote or hybrid work options. They will be easy and favorable for you when you start working with a small baby.
  • Networking will help you to land a job easily even when pregnant. Reach out to people you know or who you have worked with before and ask how they can help you through internal referrals. You can learn about un-posted jobs this way and apply
  • Have your resume professionally done. Also, customize your resume for each new position and keep them all on file. It will be very useful in applying for jobs.
  • Use a career coach if you can afford it. They will guide you on how to sell yourself and leverage any skill or past experience you have to land the job. Also the will guide you in how to navigate the question of pregnancy during interviews and how to avoid getting disqualified from jobs because of the pregnancy.
  • Prepare yourself for interviews. Use practice/mock interviews to prepare and get ready for probing questions about specifics. Doing so is important because when pregnant, you may be more prone to anxiety and need adequate preparation for effective interviewing.
  • Get yourself comfortable interviewing while pregnant. Your confidence in your work will land you a job even when visibly expecting. Dress appropriately and confidently.
  • Opt for zoom interviews if possible. You can hide your pregnancy bump this way and get the job without the potential employer realizing that you have been expecting a baby.
  • Use the STAR (Situation, Task, Action, Result) approach to interviewing when pregnant. It’s a way to frame your responses to behavioral questions in interviews. It will help you successfully nail the interviews and get the job.

Read: How to Hide Pregnancy Bump and Get the Job

Choosing Job Offers when Pregnant

Choosing between two job offers when you are pregnant can be hard. When applying for a job, your pregnancy remains a priority. Some of the things you should look at when deciding between two jobs offers include

1. Choose a Job with Attractive Maternity Benefits

Since you are already pregnant, the priority for you will be maternity benefits when the time to deliver comes. Therefore choose the job offer that offers you the most generous maternity leave benefits.

2. Choose a Job with Work-Life Balance

Since you will soon have a baby and return to work, you need to work on a job that offers you a balance between work and personal life. You need to weigh how much time and stress the job will add to your personal life. Therefore go for the job offers that will allow you to balance both your job and personal life.

3. Choose a Mom/Family Friendly Employer

Having an employer who supports and accommodates pregnancy and breastfeeding is very important. Working in an environment that supports you in your pregnancy will lead to great job satisfaction.

As such when choosing between job offers go for the employer with better maternity policies, anti-discrimination policies, lactation room and pumping breasts, etc. You can get all this information by asking potential employees key questions during interviews.

5. Choose the Better Paying Job

When choosing between job offers, go for the offer that is paying well in relation to the other.  Also, consider factors such as commute time and the cost related to it. Choose the one with the most financial benefits and fewer risks.

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